Dear Justice

Dear Justice

Dear Justice

     There was an Earthquake off the coast of Oregon the other day. What can I do to prepare so that if a big quake strikes I will be ready? I do not want to be caught off guard with one of these things. I have seen the devastation they can cause on TV, and I want to be ready to face it and survive.

—Preparing in Roseburg

Dear Preparing,

The first and most important thing you can do is evaluate your home for hazards.

Secure heavy furniture to walls, put glass dishes and heavy items on lower shelves, make sure your foundation is free of cracks and electrical wiring is in good repair.

Fires after an earthquake can cause as much, if not more, damage than the earthquake. Flammable products should be stored in closed cabinets with latches on the bottom shelf.

You should also create a family disaster preparedness plan. Every member of your family should at least know where to meet and how to contact each other if they get separated.

Having supplies stored is a good idea too. You should keep some extra non-perishable food and water as well as a first aid kit. Consider keeping a pair of shoes, a flashlight and an energy bar under your bed and in your car at all times.

For more in depth information on disaster preparedness, you can visit to see what FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, suggests for earthquake preparedness.

The Center for Disease Control also has a great deal of information on preparing for earthquakes as well as other disasters.


The Mainstream is a student publication of Umpqua Community College.